Winkin' vs. Blinkin'
Hockey Mom vs. Old Mac

Old Mac has two nervous ticks:
    one when he's excited;
The other when his temper is
    about to be ignited.

The first: he'll stretch up on his toes.
    His second, rapid blinkin'
Does not convey the prospects
    Palin posits with her winkin'.

Mac's blinkin' rate's a measure of
    his anger and his hate,
Not at all what Palin's winkin'
    seems to indicate.

One appears to hint at what a
    hooker might deliver.
The other sends a message
    he'd sell his mother down the river.

Mac's grin becomes a grimace
    that is troubling to watch
And is so condescending
    you expect he'll scratch his crotch.

He acts as if he can't believe
    somebody'd dare infer
That he would ditch his crippled wife
    when he got out of stir.

But till Mac starts cross-dressing,
    aping New York's former mayor,
Winkin' 'stead of blinkin' would prove
    the old man's not all there.

Bob Carlson

To 'A Hockey Mom's Voting Ploys'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'