Yon Cantor Is Too Ambitious
(With a lean and hungry look…)

Where is the stimulus for a recovery?
Where are the jobs the unemployed need?
Where are the bridge and the highway repairs?
All of which Cantor will not let proceed.

He's reversed his support for progressive reforms.
Eric's out-Romneyed Romney in changing his mind.
So how long will he last as a Tea Party icon
With his current allegiance to Grover's behind?

Prob'ly only as long as he feels it will help him
To waylay Obama and take over from Boehner.
If he fails at either, he'll throw in the towel
And continue his role as a noisy complainer.

Tea Party be damned if they don't have the votes
To give him the power he so sorely desires.
What does he care if he screws his supporters
As a reformer, one of those GOP liars?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Obama, Cantor spar over jobs plan'
To 'Eric Cantor’s America
To 'Apocalypse on Capitol Hill: Lawmakers who love to vote no'
To 'Wall Street's Eric Cantor Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledglings Verses'
