A Change In Plans
Being sung by Bushie to the tune
"I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan"
(…I should have realized there'd be another man)

Too bad I had to change my plan.
How sad the situation in Afghanistan –
I overlooked their crop completely.
My mind was on my stem cell ban.

Their opium is where it's at.
The price of oil is in turmoil and soon kersplat.
I pulled out way too soon though poppies were there.
Unlike Iraq, they grow everywhere.

My thanks to Allah now I've found
What Vinnie Fox gets per pound.

Music by Arthur Schwartz
Original Lyric by Howard Dietz
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'
To 'Bushie's Quitting Iraq'