A Disgruntled Cheney
As sung by Cheney with Dianne Warwick to the tune
"I'll Never Fall In Love Again"
(What do you get when you fall in love?)

What do you get when Vincente Fox
Convinces most of his disgruntled shysters
That tequila's great with Jagermeisters?
More random shots by Mexicans.
Will I ever do a shot again?

What do you get when the ACL
U thought helped call girls in Nevada
Discovers Nevada's enchiladas?
Penicillin shots for Mexicans.
Will I ever need a shot again?

Don't tell me I wasted a shot.
Illegal Mexican? Most decidedly not!
I'm Dick Cheney and I'm here to remind you
With telephone tapping I'm right here behind you.
What would the ACLU do
If our president spoke no Spanish?
If Lou Dobbs found no one to banish?
And I couldn't take a shot again?
If I couldn't take a shot again?

What do you get when Fox's drug lords'
Vehicle of choice is the stolen Lexus
Parading at will through Crawford, Texas?
A Bushie shot by his own men,
Mistaken for a Mexican.

Music by Gerald Marks
Original Lyric by Irving Caesar & Sammy Lerner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Immigration Policy'
To 'Cheney, The Shooter'