A Ghost Of A Clue
Sung to the tune
"I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You"
(I need your love so badly, I love you, oh, so madly,)

Bush wants their oil, but, sadly,
He went about it badly,
And now doesn't have
   a ghost of a clue what to do.

He thought Islam would totter,
For like a lamb led to slaughter,
No one dared tell him
   how much they would hate Bush II.

Given carte blanche
   he bet the ranch on democracy,
And with what he's changed
   Bush has arranged a theocracy.
What hypocrisy.

While Bush and his cohorts were dreaming,
Osama bin Laden's been scheming,
And Bush doesn't' have
   a ghost of a clue what he'll do.

Music by Victor Young
Original Lyric by Bing Crosby & Ned Washington
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Religious Crusades'