A Great Decider
To be sung with The Platters to the tune
"The Great Pretender"
(Oh, yes I'm the great pretender,)

I still am a great pretender,
Pretending that ev'ryrhing's swell.
I've lied so much that I've lost touch.
Why's that make me a ne'er-do-well?

Now they've learned I'm a great decider,
Deciding to not mend my ways.
McClellan's gone but we'll soldier on
Though his bumbling sure made my days.

He tried to conceal what we leaked to reveal,
Like CIA secrets might be some big deal.

And now as The Great Decider
I've decided that Rummy's my man.
His success in Iraq rates a pat on the back,
Then more fame in the Fall when we nuke Iran
And Rove's polls show I need a game plan.

Music & Original Lyrics by Buck Ram
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Dummy'
To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Rummy'