A Leak Is Not A Leak
To be sung with Fred Astaire to the Irving Berlin tune
"Cheek To Cheek)"
(Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can heardly speak)

That's not leaking.
It was classified till I had Scooter squeak.
That's the beauty of my Antichrist technique –
When I say it's not a leak, it's not a leak!

Come eleven,
This has been another typical Bush-week.
No one understands a single word I speak
As I demon-strate my Antichrist mystique.

So DeLay is back debugging
With the pension he deserves –
Millions more than most will make
As lobbyist whore d'oevres.

Bayner, now the graft condoner,
Passed no budget bill last week.
Without DeLay their pants are down –
They're dancing cheek to cheek.

Stick with me.
I want my mark upon you,
An earmark or two,
My budget doo-doo.

'Bout that bugging,
It's like leaking, when I'm in a fit of pique,
And as Antichrist I preview my technique –
When I say it's not a leak, it's not a leak!

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Holier Than Thou?'
To 'Bushie's Congress'