A Sympathetic Bushie – I
Being sung by Bushie to Congress to the Gershwin tune
"Somebody Loves Me"
(…I wonder who.)

Pew says they hate you
I wish Pew knew
How little that worries me.

I know God loves me
Much more than you.
That's why you're in deep doo-doo.

To ev'ry Congressman who backed me in Araby,
Who will lose his seat, I say, "Hey, Baby,

"God must not love you
As much as Pew,
Or you'd be a winner, too."

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by B.G. DeSylva & Ballard MacDonald
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush, The Loser'
To 'Bushie's Congress'