To be sung with Etta James to the tune
"At Last"

Again Bush can't believe his eyes.
His road map days are over
As they democratize.
Again the Palestine he knew,
Where standing pat boiled over,
Will now begin anew.

We'll hear his team say he can deal with
Their dream for power like his own
By Dick Cheney-like schlemiels with
Intentions too well known.
Bush grins and claims that it won't last,
That Israel's in clover.
So what if they're Hamassed?

Again Bush somehow gets it wrong.
His Fatah days are over.
Hamas is now too strong.
Again his lies aren't coming true.
Democracies that take over
Become a countercoup.

For his Supremes that he depends on
To determine who will win,
He's found are still embroiled in
Who can and can't be born.
Folks vote and then the die is cast.
Now they'll be through with Bushie,
And not, like us, harassed.

Music by Harry Warren
Original Lyrics by Mack Gordon
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Miscalculations'