All Bill Needs Is A Girl
Explaining why Hillary can't quit
to the song "All I Need Is A Girl" from Gypsy
(Got my tweed pressed, got my best vest,)

Passed her greed test –
Never needs rest –
But are you that sure she's a girl?
She can hijack
'Cause she's not black,
But who still believes she can win in November,
Or that in four years folks won't remember?

Yet for nearly eight years Bill has hoarded
    up like a squirrel.
Now her main concern's finding new interns
So, despite the white lies behind her greed quest,
She won't need to act like a girl.

Music by Jule Styne
Original Lyric by Stephen Sondheim
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Hillary's Voting Ploys'
To 'A Stephrn Sondheim Songbook'