All Cheney Wants For Christmas
To be sung with Spike Jones to the tune
"All I Want For Christmas (Is My Two Front Teeth)"

Ever wonder why I'm always such a grouch?
You'd be too if all you felt was ouch.
Don't know who's to blame for this incessant pain,
But here's my Christmas wish, so listen up Hussein.

All I want for Christmas is a used Guidant.
One morticians salvaged from somebody's aunt.
Either that or a stem cell transplant,
So I'll be here to torture you at Christmas.

Please make sure its insulation's not too frayed,
But just enough so Exxon won't have overpaid.
McCain is prob'ly hoping there'll be none at all
Along with anyone who wants to win next Fall.

All I want for Christmas is a used Guidant.
One morticians salvaged from somebody's aunt.
Either that or a stem cell transplant,
So I'll be here to torture you at Christmas.

Music & Original Lyric by Don Gardner
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Cheney'