An Independent Lieberman?
Being sung by Joe Lieberman to the tune
"A Little Bit Independent"
(A little bit independent in your walk… but you're so easy on the eyes)

Lieberman independent? In my talk?
Lieberman independent? What a crock!
Democrats didn't trust me to walk their walk,
But now the vote they'll need is mine.

Lieberman independent? Not by chance.
Democrats stole my ticket to the dance.
Decided they didn't like my pro-war stance,
But now the vote they'll need is mine.

So throw this dog a bone.
My response?
Who can tell?
The Lieberman neutral zone –
No bark. No bite.
Most often a what-the-hell…

Lieberman independent? Like I said,
Caucus with you know who to signal blue, not red,
Unless I'm offered a better deal instead,
Like when the vote Bush needs is mine.

Music by Joe Burke
Original Lyric by Edgar Leslie
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'