Another Bush *
Sung to the Harold Arlen tune "Stormy Weather"

Jeb is pissed
He claims Terri's vote was missed and should count whether
He and Frist could see she'd slipped her tether –
Gave up campaignin' at the time.

He's researchin'
Any deceased cases of John Birchin',
Whose families won't likely be besmirchin'
Long gone absentees who'll "vote" next time.

Ev'ry chance he gets he lets us know he's runnin'
Even though it looks as though he's funnin'.
Anyone who knows him knows he's gunnin'
To be the state Republicans adore –

Vegetative –
To make dead voter votes accumulative
And opposition votes invalidative –
Jeb's dead-brainin' all the time.

* The New York Times - 6/18/05
Editorial - "Politics and Terri Schiavo"

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Corruption'