Any Law Abramoff Wants We Pass For Him
To be sung to the Irving Berlin tune
"Anything You Can Do"

Any law Abramoff wants we pass for him.
   We've passed laws for him for a jaunt or two.
That largesse Abramoff offers to Congress?
   Nothing whatever to do with you.
Since we're incumbents, Abramoff coddles us,
   bumbling models of what not to do.
So what if Abramoff wishes to profit.
   We profit handsomely voting on cue.

We can make a motion to warm up your ocean –
We can make amendments to bilk your descendents –
Make a contribution. We'll ban evolution –
Got some special yearnings? Multiply our earnings –
Suffered disappointment?
Need a Bush appointment?
We will do most anything for a buck or two!

Well wouldn't you?
Not supposed to?
Who would tell who?
A stab in the back?
From generous Jack?

What about Abramoff? What does he do?
   Steals from poor Indians like we used to?
Must be a lobbyist with an agenda
   looking to tender an offer or two.
It's so despicable how they bribe Congressmen
   and interfere with the good work we do.
The Redskins are playing the Giants this weekend?
   See if that chick still has tickets for two.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Lobbyists'