Attention Investors
Being sung by Karl Rove Securities, Ltd. to the tune
"Hello, Young Lovers"
(Hello, young lovers, wherever you are)

This time investors we know where you are.
Be thankful our e-mails reached you.
Otherwise you'll have been conned by the Right,
Regretting what you didn't do.

Be brave short sellers who don't need pine tar.
Ignore poll projections from Pew.
Diebold machines that are hacked by the Right
Mean humongous profits for you.

When incumbent heels with Dieboldian deals,
   who haven't a Chinaman's chance,
All get to repeat, is it thanks to K-Street,
   or some hacks that are not happenstance?

Don't cry, investors, not if you've sold short,
Diebold's not just accident prone.
The lawsuits they'll face along with the Right
Will bring you much Dom Pérignon
Just for selling what you didn't own.
We'll have Karl take your call when you phone.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Other Co-conspirators'
To 'Bushie's Voting Ploys'