Between The Lines
With Sarah Palin and Chuck Grassley

Apologies to Palin.
    Yours truly stands corrected.
When Moodys rates eyes Triple A,
    fine print reading skill's expected.

But, no, it seems the rating's for
    her telephoto monkeyshines.
As Palin's latest Tweet explains,
    the lady reads between the lines.

A skill like that should not be mocked.
    Like book reviewers in a bind,
She'd see much more in Shelley
    than even Shelley had in mind.

Ditto for Obama.
    When he wished his grandma well,
He didn't plan to do her in
    though Heaven's prob'ly swell.

That's what Chuck and Sarah both
    misread as warning signs,
Because, as Sarah's Tweet explains,
    she reads between the lines.

Bob Carlson

To 'Proof Palin Reads The Fine Print' verse
To Palin Ploys
To Private Health Insurers
To 'So Much for Civility'