Bristle At His Smirk
Sung to the tune from "Snow White"
"Whistle While You Work"

Some bristle at his smirk.
And think his grin's what does him in,
But how 'bout being wrong?
The bum we now impugn,
Who acquiesced to Cheney's quest,
Won't change his stripes or tune.

He brays he'll stay the course,
But voters may restrict his play
With Rummy's token force
And change his line of work
From screwing up to doing stand-up
To an Ashcroft song.

Now that fewer love his lies.
Our gift from God takes trips abroad
Where to his surprise
Most aren't inclined to be maligned,
Applaud what doesn't work,
Or admire that smirk.

Music by Frank Churchill
Original Lyric by Larry Morey
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - The Loser'