Bush Ashamed?
Sung to the tune "My Old Flame"

Bush ashamed?
Why is he again being blamed?
Why not torture now and then
And never say why, where or when
They're being maimed?

Their new game.
With rules that you'd never call tame.
Has made it more convenient
To hide mistakes in wet cement
And lose a name.

He has so many friends who tell fascinating lies,
Who much to everybody's surprise,
Consider him the brightest of guys,
Yet his attempts to serve
Have shown he lacks the nerve

To complain
That Cheney's approach to detain,
Interrogate and render pain
Proves that he's sadistic like Hussein
And can't abstain.

Music by Arthur Johnston
Original Lyric by Sam Coslow
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Torture'