Bush Defends Brownie
Sung to the tune
"Gimme A Little Kiss (Will Ya, Huh)"

"Why pick a guy like Brown," people ask.
"Isn't someone aroun' up to the task?"
Gosh, oh, gee, I suppose there is,
But most would tell me how to run my biz.

There won't be another storm for a while
Why not see what he can do?
He's managed ev'rything so well you'd think he was Rummy's cuz,
Plus nobody knows Arabians as well as Brownie does.

So give him a little rope, will ya, huh,
And hope that he knows what to do.

Music by Maceo Pinkard
Original Lyric by Roy Turk
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - FEMA'
To 'Domestic Disasters'