Bush Thugs Target PBS *
Sung to the tune "Mean To Me"

His thuggery
Is planning skullduggery
To broadcast humbuggery,
Telling us Bush ain't lyin',
In a pig's eye –

So a coup
Is what they now want to do –
No Big Bird for me and you.
Who cares that kids are cryin'?

They'll hear Ann Colder
Proclaim loud and clear
That they will smolder
If they don't love Bush ruling by fear.

So what will be
Left after his thuggery
Bugs Moyers and then they see
What "PB" means to we?

* The New York Times - 6/26/05
Frank Rich - "The Armstrong Williams NewsHour"

Music by Roy Turk
Original Lyric by Fred E. Ahlert
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Autocrat'