Bushie Baby
Sung with Eartha Kitt to the tune
"Santa Baby"

Bushie Baby,
How many friggin' years till you see
There'll be
Mucho years of civil unrest?
Bushie Baby,
Whatever made you think you were blessed?

Bushie Baby,
You failed to get God's message about
The clout
Needed not to have to bugout.
Bushie Baby,
Apparently you're not that devout.

Think of all the folks you've killed.
Think of the insurgents that you'll have made more skilled.
What makes you think that God is pleased
With all the blood that you'll have spilled?

Bushie Baby,
Forget about it being disloyal
To foil
Wars that Cheney promised Big Oil.
Bushie Baby,
It's time to ditch the VP gargoyle.

Music & Original Lyric
by Joan Javits, Phil Springer & Tony Springer.
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - Holier Than Thou?'
To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'