Bushie Plays With Lou Dobbs
To be sung with Frank Sinatra to Cole Porter's
"Night and Day"
(Night and day you are the one)

Make my day.
Play Lou Dobbs's game.
Give each hurricane a Spanish name,
Share the blame.
With the levees still under par,
If they fail, blame Miguel,
Not my Homeland Czar,
Then deport a few
Come what may.

See how a name
Let's people know
That a Mexican leveled New Orleans
   with one little blow.
While CNN lets Lou Dobbs fume
And spew hot air on New Orleans doom,
We'll avoid the blame
Of Lou Dobbs's game.

What a way
To save the hide of Mike,
Who can't convince Congress
   to give him the dough for a stronger dike.
But the pleasure we'll go through
Watching Lou Dobbs spew and spew and spew,
Now that Judy's through,
We think might
Just make our day.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'