Bushie's Housing Bubble Bursts
(in Poundridge, NY)

To be sung with Ruth Etting to the tune
"Glad Rag Doll"
(All dolled up in glad rags, tomorrow may turn to sad rags)

Built to please a Bushie,
Designed by, we suppose,
A friend he found he thought up to the task.
The little it'll cost you?
Ev'ry buyer knows
You can't afford it if you need to ask.

Stonewalled up
French mansion –
Why borrow for an expansion?
This place has got it all.

Two fish ponds,
One small brook
He says babbles gobble-de-gook
With a slight south Texan drawl.

It's the kind of place
   you'll feel OK with.
Just phone to let him know
   which card you will pay with

You can speak
His price to you, two point two million,
If you can close this Fall.

Music by Dan Dougherty & Milton Ager
Original Lyric by Jack Yellen
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Domestic Disasters'