But Fat Bastards Float
To be sung to Bushie to the Irving Berlin waltz
(Remember the night, the night you said, "I love you,")

Friendly e-mails to under age males?
   Much more than friendly, and yet,
A new honey chile from 'cross the aisle,
   knowing Hastert will "forget"?
For several years messages so explicit
Why won't the fat bastard admit he's complicit?

Remember who'll whine he's next in line
   when they waste you, remember?
Remember his child abuse excuse
   can't be he can't remember.
Remember the lads Mark Foley sought
While Hastert did not show he cared a lot,
So waterboard him and let him rot,
But he'll float, you forgot to remember.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Denny Hastert'