Can Congress Cut The Fat?
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"My Heart Belongs To Daddy"

When skinnys skoff,
I laugh it off.
Why must they make fun of a fatty?
They say lose a few,
Which I'll never do
'Cause I plan to be fat like my Daddy.

It can mean a fight,
So I say I might
Like to be less of a fatty.
But that really ain't true.
I'd be terribly blue
If I couldn't be fat like my Daddy.

Though attorneys take Wendy's to court,
I only look fat 'cause I'm short.
Zillions of pounds on my frame
Ain't quite the same
As for guys who've made dunking their sport.

You can't legislate
An optimum weight
Without looking at Mommy and Daddy.
At three hundred and two
Don't bother to sue.
I'm gonna be fat like my Daddy.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'