Cash Cows For Congress
To be sung with Lisa Kirk to the Cole Porter tune
"Always True To You In My Fashion"
(If a custom-tailored vet asks me out for something wet,)

If a lobbyist with cash
Wants our votes for something rash
And the cash is quite a stash, DeLay, Olé!
For cash round here will always be in fashion –
Tell us what you want your cash for something rash new bill to say.

If the Chinese want our oil
And promise not to boil
Our cats and dogs and roil the EPA,
They can stir-fry cats and dogs, if that's their fashion,
If they don't enforce that fashion in the USA.

If the White House needs a bill
To promote Rove's leaks that spill
The names of wives who spy for the CIA,
Our bill to push that bill could cost Bush billions,
But if paid to us, we'll be happy to privatize his CIA.

If Israel wants pork –
Not the kind that needs a fork,
We're the stork that brings you pork as the best way
To pay ourselves and try to maintain the fashion
Of paying off Sharon for at least another day.

Rove says China loves our porn –
Soaks it up from night till morn –
So if we can make our porn in China pay,
We'll sell your newborns for porn while porn's in fashion,
And maybe make a little for ourselves along the way.

Now some may call that greed,
But it's dough we really need
To bleed constituents while we all play
At making sure incumbents stay in fashion
While we finish selling off the USA.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Lobbyists'