Bushie's quick on the trigger,
So is Bolton so go figger
How they think they got Number One,
But to score with a fella
Who has proven such a yella
Requires sitting down and talking,
Not a gun –
They need a man-to-man, not a gun.

Now a Bushie with a pistol
Gets more laughs than Billy Crystal.
He's a dummy who behaves like one,
Who quickly lost his luster
And like Bolton is all bluster.
What they need is a fan, not a gun.
Not a gun, not a gun –
Yet those dummies' latest plan calls for one.

Yes, they're planning to do battle
Up a creek without a paddle,
Hoping luck will get it done.
But they'll holler bloody murder
When The Times shows they're absurder
Than OJ making hay praying for the NRA –
They'd do better with Batman than their gun.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

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