You Can't Ban a Man with A Gun
To be sung with Ethel Merman to Irving Berlin's
"You Can't Get A Man With A Gun"
(I'm quick on the trigger with targets not much bigger…)

Bushie's quick on the trigger,
So is Bolton so go figger
How they think they got Number One,
But to score with a fella
Who has proven such a yella
Requires sitting down and talking,
Not a gun –
They need a man-to-man, not a gun.

Now a Bushie with a pistol
Gets more laughs than Billy Crystal.
He's a dummy who behaves like one,
Who quickly lost his luster
And like Bolton is all bluster.
What they need is a fan, not a gun.
Not a gun, not a gun –
Yet those dummies' latest plan calls for one.

Yes, they're planning to do battle
Up a creek without a paddle,
Hoping luck will get it done.
But they'll holler bloody murder
When The Times shows they're absurder
Than OJ making hay praying for the NRA –
They'd do better with Batman than their gun.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Diplomacy'