Condi Bitches Back At Bill
Being crooned by Condi about Bill to the tune
"You've Changed"
(…That sparkle in your eyes is gone…)

What plan?
Bill never spelled out where he'd gone.
What's Bushie s'posed to do but yawn
If he don't get told how?
What plan?

No plan?
They say we let him get away,
But if it'd been election day,
We'd a got him somehow –
No plan?

When he hears those words, "We got'm",
His little tune will change,
For is gettin' him dead any diff'rent
Than gettin' in sight or in range?

Our plan?
If it weren't classified, I'd say,
But knock on wood seems the best way,
'Less Osama'll powwow
My man.

Music by Carl Fischer
Original Lyric by Bill Carey
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Condi'