Condi Had Her Bushie Blinders On
To be sung to the tune
"I've Got My Fingers Crossed"

Condi had her Bushie blinders on –
Those weapons of mass destruction?
She's afraid were way too good to be true.

Mushroom clouds she counted on
To provide the need for reconstruction
Proved to be a figment out of the blue.

Now to get Bushie out of his bubble
And resolve his wiretap trouble
She'll have to commandeer the Hubble
To get candid closeups of who

Was the most likely to flimflam us
With unanticipated votes for Hamas.
"Damn it, et tu, Cheney, why you?"

Music by Jimmy McHugh
Original Lyrics by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator - Condi'
To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator - Hamas'