Congress Bamboozled Again
To be sung with Whispering Jack Smith to the tune
(Does your mother know you're out, Cecilia?)

Can't your Congress figure out, Cornelia,
Bushie won't say he's about to steal ya?
Oh, my! Bye-bye!
NSA spies
Aren't sure if you're
Briefing FEMA on the weather.

If you'd used a land-line phone, Cornelia,
Or a cell phone of your own, Cornelia,
The word they heard
Might not undermine
Cingular's claim Brownie could hear fine.

Music by Dave Dreyer
Original Lyric by Herman Ruby
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Tortures'
To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Snooping & Bugging Policy'