Congressional Pork
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"It's All Right With Me"

It's the right bill for the wrong cause.
Though the cause is charming,
It's the wrong cause.
Blame their pork clause
For triple-D bras
For a sizeable constituency.

The dough for them was
For the war cause,
Not for ah-hahs,
Or our hurrahs –
But the Congress was
Seeking more applause
And a chance to win handily.

You can't know how happy those gals were to get
What most agree has improved the view.
But the troops that the Congress tries so hard to forget
Need their frontal Hummer armor, too.

It's the wrong game with the wrong chips,
Though the pips they're supporting are such great pips.
They are blue chips,
Not the red chips
They were hoping they'd be.
But that's all right –
Love their foresight,
Mais oui!.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'