Congressman "Dollar Bill" Jefferson
Recalling the nursery rhyme
"Billy Boy, Billy Boy"
(Where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy)

How much did you extort, Dollar Bill, Dollar Bill?
How much did you extort, Dollar Billy?
Enough to let the FBI
Show judges you're a guilty guy,
A Congressman as crooked as the others?

Is that why they're up in arms, Dollar Bill, Dollar Bill?
Is that why they're up in arms, Dollar Billy?
Are they scared they'll be the next
Found with lobbyists' blank checks
That they "need to support their aged mothers?"

Are they, too, above the law, Dollar Bill, Dollar Bill?
Are they, too, above the law, Dollar Billy?
Can those in Congress steal us blind,
Yet never be confined
And do jail time with their non-elected brothers?

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'