Conning Congress
To be sung to the Gershwin tune
"How Long Has This Been Going On?"
(I could cry salty tears; where have I been all these years?"

Congress cries salty tears,
"Where have we been all these years?
Pentagon – Little Don –
How long have we let this go on?

"First The Post; then The Times –
That's how we uncover Rummy's crimes.
First makes wise; then makes spies –
How long can we let this go on?

"This pat hand that we are being dealt
Borders on the absurd.
Now we know how Wendell Willkie felt
Watching FDR win his third.

"Nine eleven come and goes –
Boykin now decides who knows?
Watch your butt; this guys a nut.
This is just his latest con –
How can we let this 'stuff' go on?"

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Ira Gershwin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'
To 'Co-conspirators - Rummy'