Crazy About Evolution
Sung to the tune
"Crazy She Calls Me"

Don't teach them evolution,
Because with evolution
No way was Rome built in a day.
Crazy they'll call me.
Sure I'm crazy,
Crazy like Bush, I'd say.

Teach them that hellfire
Will get them if they tire
Of denying evolution's OK.
Crazy they'll call them.
Sure they're crazy,
Crazy for refusing to say

Our DNA shows monkey genes
Have been in us a while.
It's awful hard not to spill the beans,
And tougher without cramping our style.

So, to hell with evolution,
For teaching evolution
Could give our holy book a black eye.
Crazy they call me.
Sure I'm crazy,
Crazy for a bald-faced lie.

Music by Carl Sigman
Original Lyric by Bob Russell
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'