Defeat's His Gig *
Sung to the tune "Your Feet's Too Big"
(Up in Harlem on a Saturday night)

Up in Baghdad they are quick to pooh-pooh
Dick Cheney's claims that the insurgency's through.
"They'll keep blowing up until he retreats –
It's us, not him, that's in the catbird seats.

"Defeat's his gig.
Bush is a loser 'cause defeat's his gig.
A draft refuser and defeat's his gig.
Iraq's abuser so defeat's his gig.

"His voters like him, but not his lies.
He lets our bombers get to go to paradise.
At first they chuckled at his "We won" pose,
But hate that lying grin beneath his nose.

"Defeat's his gig.
Impeach the bum for defeat's his gig.
Hitler's alum so defeat's his gig.
Our time has come because defeat's his gig."

* The Nation - 7/11/05
Editorial - "Reality Bites"

Music & Original Lyric by Ada Benson & Fred Fisher
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Loser'
To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'