Don't Feed FEMA
To be sung to the tune
"Don't Bring Lulu"
You can bring Pearl, she's a darn nice girl, but don't bring Lulu.)

Spend it on spas
And nefarious shahs,
But don't feed FEMA.
Build a toll road
That will need to be mowed,
But don't feed FEMA.

On my cue FEMA won't pursue
What most folks expect it to.
They'll need aid from institutions
To whom I've made huge contributions.

Spend it on golf,
And a new Adolph,
But don't feed FEMA.
FEMA can't teach
What our churches preach –
They'll require a helping hand.

We'll ignore objections –
Those secular misperceptions –
As to who we'll save
Versus who we'll waive
If they don't pray on command.

Music by Ray Henderson
Original Lyric by Lew Brown w/ Billy Rose
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'
To 'Co-conspirators - FEMA'