Draft Dodgers
(Sung to the tune "Let's Do It, Let's Fall In Love")

Evidently Bush dodged it –
In the Guard un-presidentially hodgepodged it –
If he'd been a skier, he'd have ski lodged it.
Bush dodged the draft.

John Ashcroft it –
Typically he simply dummkopfed it –
And seven times he scoffed off it.
He goof-offed the draft.

While fighting Vietnamese, Kerry
   was a hero we know –
While Cheney's five pleas worried,
   why should he have to go?

Rummy tried hard and just missed it –
Wolfowitz and Perle chose to limp wrist it –
Antagonistic Dougie Feith just dissed it –
These Bolshevists resisted the draft.

Music by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson