Elmer Fudd Cartoons
(Sung to the tune "Elmer's Tune")

Why is Dick Cheney still zany about linking them up?
Why is Osama still thinking of blowing him up?
Why is a dummy like Rummy considered immune?
It's an Elmer 'toon.

Why are draft dodgers, the codgers, promoting more wars?
Who would stifle dissent by inventing new laws?
Who is buying denying ev'ry gay honeymoon?
It's an Elmer 'toon.

Hissin'? Kissin?
Cable's s'posed to show us what we're missin'.
Pundit? Schmundit!
Which party's goin' to ante up to sponsor and fund it?

What kind of genius can make a surplus disappear?
And murder our boys in wars year after year?
While he's shooshing evolution from inside his cocoon?
The star of Elmer's 'toon.

Music by Elmer Albrecht & Dick Jurgens
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson