Eric Keroack, DASPA
As sung by Eric to the Gilbert & Sullivan tune
"I'm Called Little Buttercup" from "H.M.S. Pinafore"
(I'm called Little Buttercup ... though I could never tell why)

"I'm called Eric Keroack,
Dear Doctor Keroack,
Though former patients ask why.
I'm the Bush gynecologist
Not the proctologist
Who'll deduce where his head went bye-bye.

"As a youth I was sexless,
So totally feckless,
My only hope's been OB/gyn.
Though my prospects are looking up,
For Bush I am cooking up
A case based on oxytocin.

"Oxytocin's a hormone
Some use to condone
Eccentricities and fall in love.
So I'm s'posed to disparage
All sex before marriage.
Why expend it on those you'll tire of?

"But can hormones decipher
That you're now a lifer?
God knows why so few can agree,
Which no doubt is why Bush,
Or a voice from his tush,
Announced he would settle for me.

"Abstinence makes men fonder
Of women who wander
From our goal of immaculate conception,
Making folks prone to flout,
And it so tough to tout
Our Bush plan to ban contraception."

Music by Arthur S. Sullivan
Original Lyric by William S. Gilbert
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Other Co-conspirators'