Evil – I
To be sung with Peggy Lee to the tune
(Never know how much I love you.)

Bushie thinks we all should love him,
Applaud the evil he stands for.
Wants to hear us shout "Heil, Bushie,
Bring 'em on, it's only war."

Hitler's minions clobbered Poland.
Bushie's would have done the same,
But when told how little oil's there,
He redirected Rummy's aim.

What did Bushie get us into?
Why the hell won't he get out?
Maliki's an evil Shia,
Evil we could do without.

Evil Bushie. Evil Shia.
One would hope they'd cancel out.
Hard to say which is more evil,
But do angry evil Shia pout?

Condi Rice and Judy Miller
Had a Bush approved affair.
Condi fed her propaganda
The New York Times was quick to share.

Bushie loves his shady ladies,
Loves the evil in their blood.
Made sure that one got promoted
Even though each one's a dud.

Bushie recognizes evil.
It's the one thing he knows best.
With assistance from his Congress
He out-evils all the rest.

Bushie's evil's worse than Hitler's –
He'll soon drop his atom bomb
To destroy all rival Evils
With a grin if not aplomb.

A sinking vessel SOSing
Is obvious to those who've sailed,
But you needn't be a gard'ner
To be aware a Bush has failed.

Music & Original Lyric by John Davenport & Eddie Cooley
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Loser'