(Sung to the tune "The Dipsy Doodle")

Born-again flapdoodlers are things to beware –
Their born-again flapdoodles will get in your hair –
And if it's on you, it couldn't be worse –
Something about you they consider perverse.

You love SpongeBob?
He loves you?
Expect to both be outed –
That's the flapdoodler curse.

It takes one to know one –
That's a fairly safe bet.
Another? That those flapdoodlers
May not have been outed yet.

That's not as silly as it's likely to get.
Both Bush twins may be tempted to diddle –
Sometimes flapdoodler curses work in reverse.

Although you think they're crazy,
Remember that they're just flapdoodles,
And, like Bushisms, hazy
Sounding like they're off their noodles.

So just ignore them or else you could find
A born-again flapdoodle blowing your mind –
"The war is won; now wasn't that fun?"
That's the way a Bush flapdoodle works.

Music & Original Lyric by Larry Clinton
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'