To be sung to the tune
"Little Girl"

Just like we've always been.
I've decreed it's not a sin
For those in power like The Vice and me,
Plus I've granted absolution for my wee AG.

We say and do what we want,
Like "To hell with la plume de ma tante"
Then we kick Chirac in his French derriere
And pretend we're sorry
   he's not getting his share

Of the oil
That the Lord says is ours
To allocate
After French working hours.
And it won't be just the French
   who'll decry our fraudulence.
Vinnie Fox is gonna love our fence.

Music & Original Lyrics
by Madelyn Hyde & Francis Henry
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'