Freebie MDs
To be sung to the tune
"Breezin' Along With The Breeze"

Prefer quail to plover,
If they're not wild.
Otherwise they're too damn hard to see.
But I've switched over
And gone hogwild
For shooting soley at the elderly.

I'm out hunting again with MDs.
Looking for quails,
I shoot whom I please.
Forget those birdies way up in the trees.
They're out of range
Of my SUVs.

My high is the only proof I need
   that I'm not dead.
Without my wars and hunting,
   I'd be back in bed.
But I can shoot whomever I please,
Thanks to George Bush
And my freebie MDs.

Music by Seymour Simons & Richard A. Whiting
Original Lyrics by Haven Gillespie
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, Cheney'
To 'Bushie's Health Care Policy'