To be sung with Rosemary Clooney to the Adler & Ross tune
"Hey There"
(Hey There, you with the stars in your eyes)

Gen'rals, with your next star in your eyes,
You let Feith make such fools of you.
So why the big surprise?

Gen'rals, part of that Pentagon crowd –
To not speak up was dumb of you.
Now look at what's become of you.

Better retire
Before you're given the air.
You helped old Rummy do his thing.
Golly, gosh, you were there.

Now you too'll pay the price
For what you didn't smother.
Far more concerned with a career,
You helped doctor what we would hear
Though Bush still appeared to be
A dumb something or other.

Forget him –
Him with his newest au pair,
A new Brownie doing the Rummy thing
While Cheney spouts hot air –

Why should you pay the price
For sounding like his mother?
Telling him what he still hates to hear,
That we would have been much better off
With his brother.

Music & Original Lyric by Richard Adler & Jerry Ross
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Generals'