Gimme A Little Press
Sung to the tune
"Gimme A Little Kiss (Will Ya, Huh)"

Can ya see my digital finger?
Can ya, huh?
Not like my butt in a wringer,
The first time, huh?

Can't ya see
Me pluggin' the levee leak?
Where's my FEMA?
I've been here a week.

Gimme a little press,
Will ya, huh?
Why can't I be like Anderson Cooper, too?
And make like I'm Geraldo
   doing a stunt for Fox,
Or, if you think Sharon is watching,
   sharing a little lox?

Aw, gimme a world that's warmer,
Will ya, huh?
And I'll promise a stonger storm fer you.

Music by Maceo Pinkard
Original Lyric by Roy Turk
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush's Policies - The Environment'
To 'Domestic Disasters'