Give Back My Vote
Being sung to Bushie to Frank Loesser's
"Take Back Your Mink"
(…What makes you think I'm just one of those girls?)

Give back my vote.
Give back my prayer.
Send me a note
Why we're still over there.
Pull back our boys, our bombs, our kersplat.
So I was wrong, but never wrong as all that.

You staged an expensive Iraq rifle range,
Fulfilling an NRA dream.
Now all our descendents will be left with chump change,
The legacy of your A-Team.

The dead in Iraq
All have you to thank.
Our lads can't take back
How badly you stank.
Please rest assured that my vote next year
Will recall mosques labeled, "Bushroy Bombed Here!"

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Quitting Iraq'