Go Tell Him That We're Countin'
To be sung to the carol
"Go Tell It On The Mountain"

"Go tell Him that we're countin'.
Look how many we've made billionaires.
Even with our losses mountin',
Rummy carries on."

With Friendly Fox News watching,
   providing oversight,
Assisted by Ted Stevens'
   brimstone, the Holy Right
Doth causeth Bush to tremble –
   he risketh their net worth –
So shouting "Please pray for us
   and a warmer earth,"
Bush called his money changer,
   cried, "Cheney toot your horn.
He told me make more money;
   that's why I was reborn.

"So tell Him that we're countin'.
Look how many we've made billionaires.
Even with our losses mountin',
We boondoggle on."

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush's Christmas Carols'
To 'To 'Policies - Greed & Corruption'