God Bless Ye Bush Intransigents
To be sung to the carol
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"

God bless ye, Bush intransigents, take comfort while you may.
Remember who you savored for taxes you don't pay,
Whose power to learn how much you earn rests with the N.S.A. –
No more hiding what someone said you could, with a falsehood,
Unless you're good at knocking on wood.

God bless ye, Bush intransigents, tax policies have changed.
Those tax favors that Dick Cheney said he had arranged
To save you all from Saddam's power? They've now been exchanged
For tidings that you're going to jail. What a betrayal!
Bush eavesdropping disclosed your audit trail.

God bless ye, Bush intransigents, your best hope's with the courts.
If Alito should get in, we'll see what he aborts
After women's rights, perhaps tax evasion torts?
How sad that Cheney's power backfired and will destroy the joy
Of Christmas as a George Bush good old boy.

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush's Christmas Carols'