Gollum Faces Facts
We're worried

Our Friends:
He's younger. He's taller. He's much better looking.
    His wife has a much nicer ass.
But we wants it. We needs it, We must have the precious
    or we risks ending up middle class.

Imagine not having a friend in the White House
    whose Daddy was not that well off –
Alcoholic, perhaps, but loving long naps
    with an aide with a come hither coif.

When losing, we're vicious, our ads are malicious
    and we calls on our new rabble-rouser.
But there's less and less cheering and lately we're hearing
    that fewer and fewer espouse her.

Though we found her charming, her bark is alarming,
    especially in light of her Trooper.
Having morphed into Mac, we had best watch our back.
    Can't fall victim to our wicked blooper.

Bob Carlson

To 'A Hockey Mom's Voting Ploys'
To 'Gollum Morphed Into Old Mac' Verse
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'